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Key to the successful delivery of the transport vision is the phasing of the transport infrastructure and associated development phasing. It is understood that, in order to embed sustainable transport as the main choice for all who visit and live or work on the site, choices for sustainable travel will need to be delivered early in the development.


As such, a ‘three-phase’ approach has been proposed for the development, which shows that significant transport infrastructure could be delivered in Phase 1.

Phase 1


The two vehicular accesses onto the A189, B1326, will be developed in Phase 1, bringing forward access to the local centre and main mobility hub, healthcare facilities, park and ride, employment zone and initial housing areas. Buses will be able to run through the site between both accesses serving these areas of development. Associated footway and cycleway active travel links will be delivered, alongside the sustainable autonomous vehicle link from Seaton Delaval station to the hospital. 


Phase 2


As the development of the local centre and primary school is completed and residential areas through the centre of the site are developed, so the internal transport network will grow, with the completion of the link road between the two access points, which allows further bus penetration in to and around the site. The footway / cycleway / autonomous network will grow through the site, including the delivery of the improved underpass and route to Cramlington town centre.


Phase 3


The final phase of the development will see the delivery of the final phase of the residential development, located towards the south of the site. The transport network will be completed by the expansion of the bus service, footway, cycleway and autonomous networks to serve this area. 

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